Acmx.Common documentation Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AppTreeObjAn application tree abstract base object
AppTreeObjDictFxProviderT< TAbstractProduct >A 'factorized' application tree objects provider for the objects having keys of string type
AppTreeObjDictProviderT< TAbstractProduct, TKey >An application tree objects provider for the objects having keys of type TKey
AppTreeObjFactoryT< TAbstractProduct >An application tree object factory abstract class
AppTreeObjFactoryT< TAbstractProduct, TOwner >An application tree object factory which can be owned by TOwner abstract class
AppTreeObjProviderT< TAbstractProduct >A provider class for the application tree class instance
AppTreeObjT< TParent >An abstract application tree class for the having a 'parent'(in the terms of the app tree) objects
AppTreeObjT< TParent, TKey >An abstract application tree class for the having a 'parent'(in the terms of the app tree) and having a key objects
InitContextAn init context class playing role of a data structire for the application tree object initialization
DictionaryOfHavingKeyT< TKey, TValue >A dictionary containing values which have keys
OwnedDictionaryOfHavingKeyT< TKey, TValue, TOwner >An owned dictionary containing values which have keys
ReadOnlyCastableListT< T >A castable to the IReadOnlyCollectionT interface generic list
UniqueAssotiativeListT< T >A unique assotiative list
AbstractFactoryT< TAbstractProduct >An abstract factory
Point3DA point in 3D space structure
IApplicationTreeObjectAn application tree object base interface
IDictionaryOfHavingKeyT< TKey, TValue >A dictionary of the values which know their keys interface
IOwnedDictionaryOfHavingKeyT< TKey, TValue, TOwner >An owned dictionary of the values which know their keys interface
IReadOnlyCollectionT< T >Read only collection interface
IReadOnlyDictionaryT< TKey, TValue >Read only dictionary interface
IAbstractFactoryAbstract factory interface
IAbstractFactoryT< TAbstractProduct >Abstract factory generic interface
IAdapterT2< TAdaptee, TAdaptee2 >Adapter of two adeptees interface
IAdapterT< TAdaptee >Adapter generic interface
IHavingKeyT< TKey >A having key object generic interface
IHavingNamedPropertiesAn object which has an arbitrary set of named properties interface
IOwnedT2< TOwner >An owned object interface 2ed
IOwnedT< TOwner >An owned object generic interface
TParentAn object with a parent interface
TAbstractProductAn assotiative provider interface
TAbstractProductA provider interface

Generated on Sun May 28 08:45:06 2006 for Acmx.Common documentation by  doxygen 1.4.5